ETF Masterclass at Federation Square

RCB Advisors director Christian Beltrame presented at the 8th Annual ETF Masterclass at Federation Square on 21 March 2018. The Masterclass was hosted by S&P Dow Jones Indices in partnership with the ASX. As you may well know, Christian is a regular user of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds or ‘baskets’ as he refers to).

RCB Advisors director Christian Beltrame presented at the 8th Annual ETF Masterclass at Federation Square on 21 March 2018.

The session was promoted to continue to enhance the community's collective understanding of ETFs and implementation in today's market and beyond.

With the Australian ETF market expected to grow to $40-50 billion in 2018, it's become more and more important to understand the benefits and intricacies of this investment vehicle and how to most effectively apply these passive strategies.

The panels of ETF practitioners and industry discussed various issues within the industry including the myths and realities of ETFs, the implications of market growth on the Australian ETF industry, how advisers can effectively share evidence-based approaches with their clients and how to successfully use ETFs to benefit clients

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