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- Company Tax Rate Reduction for Small Business Entities
Company Tax Rate Reduction for Small Business Entities
Wed Oct 26 0:00:00 UTC 2016

From the 1st July 2015, the small business company tax rate has been reduced from 30% to 28.5%.
How are you eligible for the small business company tax rate reduction?
To be considered a small business entity and therefore eligible for the company tax rate reduction you must pass the following two conditions;
•Operate a business for all or part of the income year
•Have less than $2 million aggregated turnover in the previous or current financial year
The aggregate turnover is the income you earned in the ordinary course of running a business and will include the annual turnover of any affiliates and/or business connected to you.
From the 1st July 2015, the small business company tax rate has been reduced from 30% to 28.5%.
Does this change the maximum franking credits that can be allocated to a franked dividend?
A dividend can still be franked at a maximum of 30%, regarding of it being eligible to for the small business tax rate of 28.50%.
Thus, you need to be careful not to over-frank due to the miss-match between the maximum franking credits and the small business tax rate. Over-franking involves allocating more franking credits than are in the franking account when paying dividends. If you over-frank you may be liable for franking deficit tax.
What is the tax rate for non-small business entities for the 2015/16?
The corporate tax rate will remain at 30% for non-small business entities.
Will there be more reductions to come?
The government is currently proposing that the corporate tax rate for the 2016/17 income year be reduced to 27.5%. This will apply for all companies with an annual turnover of less than $10 million.
Over the next 10 years, the government is hoping to progressively reduce the company tax rate for all entities to 25%.
These measures are yet to be passed through government.
For further information please contact your RCB Advisor office.
Written by Craig Bull
Source: ATO website (www.ato.gov.au), CCH iKnow (www.iknow.cch.com.au)
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